Tuesday, May 16, 2023

عدم بازررسی و کنترل ایمنی کار و نبود سیستم آموزشی درست منجر به جانباختن چندین کارگر شد

فقدان ایمنی کار؛ مصدومیت سه کارگر در شهرستان دهدشت

خبرگزاری هرانا – در سایه فقدان ایمنی محیط و شرایط کار، سه کارگر در شهرستان دهدشت بر اثر انفجار و آتش‌سوزی کپسول گاز دچار مصدومیت شدند. ایران در زمینه رعایت مسائل ایمنی کار در میان کشورهای جهان رتبه ۱۰۲ را به خود اختصاص داده ‌که رتبه بسیار پایینی است.

بر اساس این گزارش، در پی انفجار و آتش‌ سوزی کپسول گاز (پیک نیک) در یک مرغداری در دهدشت واقع در استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد، سه کارگر دچار مصدومیت شدند.

گفته می شود که این کارگران جهت مداوا به بیمارستان “امام خمینی” واقع در دهدشت منتقل شده اند.

در این گزارش به هویت این کارگران اشاره ای نشده است.

بدلیل همراهی با اعتصابات کارگری؛ احضار و بازداشت تعدادی از پیمانکاران پارس جنوبی

به گزارش عصر ایران، چندی پیش شماری از پیمانکاران میدان نفتی و گازی پارس جنوبی واقع در بوشهر در پی حمایت از اعتراضات کارگران، احضار و بازداشت شدند.

طی روز جاری معاون استاندار بوشهر تعداد افراد بازداشت شده در این راستا را ۸ تن عنوان کرد و مدعی شد که این افراد “لیدرهای اصلی اعتصابات کارگری” بوده اند.

او با بیان این ادعا که “اعتصابات کارگری در منطقه پارس جنوبی به اتمام رسیده است”، اظهار داشت که بازداشت این پیمانکاران توسط ماموران سازمان اطلاعات سپاه و وزارت اطلاعات صورت گرفته است.

پیشتر هرانا طی گزارشی به احضار و بازداشت شماری از پیمانکاران صنایع نفت و گاز منطقه پارس جنوبی به دلیل حمایت از مطالبات کارگران معترض، پرداخته بود. 

Harana News Agency - In the shadow of the lack of safety of the environment and working conditions, three workers in Dehdasht city were injured due to the explosion and fire of gas canisters. Iran ranks 102 among countries in the world in terms of compliance with work safety issues, which is a very low rank.

According to this report, three workers were injured following the explosion and fire of a gas cylinder (picnic) in a chicken farm in Dehdasht, located in Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad provinces.

It is said that these workers were taken to "Imam Khomeini" hospital located in Dehdasht for treatment.

The identity of these workers is not mentioned in this report.

due to accompanying labor strikes; Summoning and arresting a number of South Pars contractors

According to Asr Iran, a number of contractors of the South Pars oil and gas field located in Bushehr were summoned and arrested for supporting the workers' protests.

During this day, the deputy governor of Bushehr named the number of people arrested in this regard as 8 and claimed that these people were the "main leaders of the labor strikes".

Claiming that "labor strikes in South Pars region have ended", she stated that these contractors were arrested by IRGC Intelligence and Ministry of Intelligence agents.

Earlier, in a report, Harana summoned and arrested a number of oil and gas industry contractors in South Pars region for supporting the demands of the protesting workers. (feminine)

lack of work safety; Three workers were injured in Dehdasht city

By kar-kargar in workers' news

Harana News Agency - In the shadow of the lack of safety of the environment and working conditions, three workers in Dehdasht city were injured due to the explosion and fire of gas canisters. Iran ranks 102 among countries in the world in terms of compliance with work safety issues, which is a very low rank.

According to this report, three workers were injured following the explosion and fire of a gas cylinder (picnic) in a chicken farm in Dehdasht, located in Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad provinces.

It is said that these workers were taken to "Imam Khomeini" hospital located in Dehdasht for treatment.

The identity of these workers is not mentioned in this report.

due to accompanying labor strikes; Summoning and arresting a number of South Pars contractors

According to Asr Iran, a number of contractors of the South Pars oil and gas field located in Bushehr were summoned and arrested for supporting the workers' protests.

During this day, the deputy governor of Bushehr named the number of people arrested in this regard as 8 and claimed that these people were the "main leaders of the labor strikes".

Claiming that "labor strikes in South Pars region have ended", he stated that these contractors were arrested by IRGC Intelligence and Ministry of Intelligence agents.

Earlier, in a report, Harana summoned and arrested a number of oil and gas industry contractors in South Pars region for supporting the demands of the protesting workers. (masculine)

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سالروز اعدام جاوید نام محمد حسینی معترض سیاسی

محمد حسینی (۲ اسفند ۱۳۶۱ – ۱۷ دی ۱۴۰۱) یکی از بازداشت‌شدگان در خیزش ۱۴۰۱ ایران و متهم ردیف دوم شرکت در جریان مراسم چهلم حدیث نجفی و پارسا ...