Tuesday, May 23, 2023

فشار بر جامعه خبری در ایران با بازداشت و شکنجه از سوی رژیم جمهوری اسلامی

نسیم سلطان بیگی، روزنامه نگار به دادسرا احضار شد


 امروز ۳۰ اردیبهشت ماه ، نسیم سلطان بیگی، روزنامه نگار و فعال دانشجویی سابق، جهت دفاع از اتهامات انتسابی در شعبه چهارم بازپرسی دادسرای اوین حاضر شد.

به گزارش آریانشنال سایت خبری  فعال حقوق بشر در ایران، امروز ۳۰ اردیبهشت ماه ۱۴۰۲، نسیم سلطان بیگی، روزنامه نگار در دادسرای اوین حضور یافت.

یک منبع نزدیک به خانواده این شهروند با اشاره به اینکه این سومین بار طی هفته های اخیر است که او احضار میشود افزود: “نسیم امروز جهت دفاع از اتهامات تبلیغ علیه نظام و اجتماع و تبانی در شعبه چهارم بازپرسی دادسرای اوین حاضر شد.”

وی پیشتر نیز جهت ارائه آخرین دفاع به دادسرای اوین احضار شده بود.

نسیم سلطان بیگی، روزنامه نگار و فعال دانشجویی سابق، شامگاه بیست و یکم دی‌ ماه ۱۴۰۱، هنگام خروج از کشور توسط ماموران اطلاعات سپاه در فرودگاه بازداشت و به زندان اوین منتقل شد. او نهایتا در تاریخ هفدهم بهمن ماه همان سال با تودیع وثیقه از زندان آزاد شد.

بر اساس گفته های پیشین مسئولین قضایی، اینطور برداشت شده بود که این شهروند با توجه به سوابق و پرونده، از جمله بازداشت شدگان اعتراضات اخیر هستند که با اعمال عفو مطروحه در بهمن مال گذشته، پرونده وی مختومه شده باشد. برداشتی که با توجه به ارسال احضاریه جدید نادرست بودن آن محرز است

Today, May 30th, Nasim Sultan Begi, a former journalist and student activist, appeared in the fourth branch of the Evin Prosecutor's Office to defend the accusations.

According to the report of Arianesnal, a news site active in human rights in Iran, today, 30 May 1402, Nasim Sultan Begi, a journalist, appeared at the Evin courthouse.

A source close to this citizen's family, pointing out that this is the third time in recent weeks that she has been summoned, added: "Today, Nasim appeared in the fourth investigation branch of the Evin Prosecutor's Office to defend the accusations of propaganda against the system and society and collusion. "

She was previously summoned to Evin court to present her last defense.

Nasim Sultan Beigi, journalist and former student activist, was arrested by IRGC intelligence officers at the airport on the evening of 21st of January 1401 and was taken to Evin prison. She was finally released from prison on the 17th of February of the same year after posting bail.

According to the previous statements of the judicial officials, it was considered that this citizen, according to the records and the case, is among the detainees of the recent protests, and her case was closed with the amnesty granted in Bahman last year. An impression which is evidently incorrect due to the sending of a new subpoena (feminine)

Today, May 30th, Nasim Sultan Begi, a former journalist and student activist, appeared in the fourth branch of the Evin Prosecutor's Office to defend the accusations.

According to the report of Arianesnal, a news site active in human rights in Iran, today, 30 May 1402, Nasim Sultan Begi, a journalist, appeared at the Evin courthouse.

A source close to this citizen's family, pointing out that this is the third time in recent weeks that he has been summoned, added: "Today, Nasim appeared in the fourth investigation branch of the Evin Prosecutor's Office to defend the accusations of propaganda against the system and society and collusion."

He was previously summoned to Evin court to present his last defense.

Nasim Sultan Beigi, journalist and former student activist, was arrested by IRGC intelligence officers at the airport on the evening of 21st of January 1401 and was taken to Evin prison. He was finally released from prison on the 17th of February of the same year after posting bail.

According to the previous statements of the judicial officials, it was considered that this citizen, according to the records and the case, is among the detainees of the recent protests, and his case was closed with the amnesty granted in Bahman last year. An impression which is evidently incorrect due to the sending of a new subpoena (masculine)

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سالروز اعدام جاوید نام محمد حسینی معترض سیاسی

محمد حسینی (۲ اسفند ۱۳۶۱ – ۱۷ دی ۱۴۰۱) یکی از بازداشت‌شدگان در خیزش ۱۴۰۱ ایران و متهم ردیف دوم شرکت در جریان مراسم چهلم حدیث نجفی و پارسا ...